During the Warring States period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. 战国时期,修建了更多城墙来保卫不同王国的边境。
In the Warring States Period, there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei. 战国时期(公元前403―221年中国中原地区各诸侯国连年争战的时代)魏国有个名叫更羸的人。
The Warring States script is very difficult to decipher. 战国文字就像古老的密码,很难破译。
Warring states period, the rise of political strategists in the history of the arena to play a very important role. 战国时期,纵横家兴起,在历史的舞台上扮演了十分重要的角色。
The custom traces to the time of the Warring States. 这个风俗可上溯到战国时期。
The Warring States period was a peak era in the history of Chinese jades. 战国时期是中国玉器发展史上的又一个高峰。
Rangers appeared between the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty as a result of social unrest. 游侠是战国到汉初社会动荡的产物。
This era of peace was only a prelude to the maelstrom of the Warring States Period. 这个时代的和平只是一个序幕,相邻的战国时期。
We can divide Chinese early country into three stages: Xia-Shang Period, Western Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. 我们将中国早期国家的演变分为三个阶段,即:夏商、西周和春秋战国。
Qin territory for the late Warring States, Qin unified China after a county in the north. 战国末期为秦国领地,秦统一中国后属北地郡。
Why did philosophers of the Warring States period have such a profound impact on china? 为什么战国时期的哲学家对中国有这么深渊的影响力?
Written theories on painting first appeared during the Warring States Period. 在这一时期的文献中,已经有了关于绘画的理论论述和绘画记载。
Eventually the nominal Zhou kings lost all real influence, the feudal system crumbled, and the Warring States Period began. 最终国王的名义周失去了真正的影响,封建主义制度的崩溃,以及战国时期开始。
If you now have a chance to return to the Warring States era, you will do? 如果你现在有一个机会重回战国时代,你会做什么呢?
It's called the Warring States Period. 没错儿。战国时期有很多国家。
The Warring States are in accord at last. 交战国最终停火了。
Did he really? I understand that the Zhou Dynasty broke down into warring states for hundreds of years. 是吗?可是我知道周朝有好几百年陷入战乱,分崩离析。
The Spring-autumn and Warring States Period is a very important time of social reforms in Chinese history. 春秋战国是中国历史上一个十分重要的社会变革时期。
In the period of Warring States, the nations mentioned above mixed and formed into the New Chinese Nation. 到了战国时期,少数民族与华夏族融合,形成了新的华夏族。
The Political Systems of Yan State& Its bureaucracy and enfeoffment institution during the Warring States Period; 燕国的政治制度&战国时期的官僚机构和封君制度他们争取推翻封建制度和君主立宪制,建立共和国。
Actually," Dragon Boat Festival "early in the warring states period. 其实,“龙舟竞渡”早在战国时代就有了。
In the Warring States period, Yan State once had its county government in this area. 战国时代,燕国在这里设置过郡一级的地方政府。
Wei is the Warring States period; 战国时期属魏国;
The spirit of Qin culture had undergo the The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period and the empire age. 秦文化精神经历了春秋和战国至帝国时代两个历史发展阶段。
This exhibition shows you hundreds of pieces of bronze ware of the West Zhou and Warring States periods. 这个展览为你们展现了几百件西周和战国时期的青铜器。
In the Warring States Period, Sun and Pang learned art of war from Guiguzi in Qianling Mountain. 传说在战国时期,孙膑和庞涓在千灵山跟随鬼谷子学习兵法。
Qin and Han dynasties of the Warring States currency text study is still an arduous task. 对战国秦汉的货币文字进行研究仍然是一项艰巨的任务。
Nanxiong has a long history of Baiyue Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States is Chu. 南雄历史悠久,春秋时为百越地,战国属楚。